
I believe that in a world of inexhaustible content, multi-talents and talents, it is essential for partnership and creative support for real success.

Since I remember myself, I have harnessed my skills and talents for the sake of finding, nurturing, building, branding and realizing exceptional talents. We are all talented, we are all capable, but not everyone knows how to fulfill their abilities in a way that fulfills all (!) Dreams.

A career consists of dozens of moments of dreams, aspirations, decisions and most importantly – choices. Sometime you need this one person, who knows how to identify, locate, point out the talent, set personal goals and then – reach them – steadily, consistently, assertively and lovingly.

For the past twenty years – that’s what I do. Every time in a different home, under a different successful business brand. Today, I do this as an independent agency of leading art, television, fashion, journalism and writing creators in their field.

My work is my creation. I am a full partner to my representatives, and with them I pave the way to success. Under the umbrella that I spread over my representations, long-term work unfolds and includes: personal and professional consulting, content development, creative collaborations, connecting creative factors, personal accompaniment from concept to roller. Business aspects of developing content collaborations, contract closure, representation and support vis-à-vis stakeholders, business development.

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